The 6th ISRR Symposium 

Tue. Nov. 13, 2001
Daily News No.3

Excellent keynote lectures were presented by Drs. Yamauchi and McCully followed by Dr. Barlow's suggestive comments after the opening ceremony yesterday where the message from Dr. Persson, the president of ISRR was introduced as well.

After the following oral and poster sessions, all the participants attended the reception with delicious dishes and fantastic performance of Japanese traditional drums by FUGA. Around eighty young and old root researchers got together in the Japanese restaurant in Sakae after the symposium reception to communicate internationally.

The revised program of Session D is on the message board. Please check the message board every morning, because the program of each session will possibly be changed from certain reasons.

The certificate of your attending the 6th ISRR Symposium will be issued by the organizing committee Wed. Nov. 14. Please find yours on the registration desk after the closing ceremony.

The list of the participants will also be distributed as well. Please check you name and address in the tentative list at the message board (near registration desk on the 4th floor) and correct them if you find mistakes. For correction, please write the exact information very clearly (like typing) with the red pen in any of the copies of the tentative list.

Poster Prize will be decided by your voting. Please remember to put the voting paper in your congress bag into the box at the corner by 18:00 today after filling up. The winner of each session will be informed by the mark on their board as well as Daily News No.4 which will be issued tomorrow morning and the organizing committee will offer them small goodies at the closing ceremony.

Report and Photos of the 6th ISRR Symposium